While Mr. Hurst is away

Wednesday -
20 things I learned about browsers and the web. Part 1

Open these both in new tabs. Right click on the link (open in new tab)

If you want to do it the hard way first read through the first half of the book pages 1 through 19 and then fill out the online form.   But if you want to do it the easy way, read and fill it out as you go.

This assignment is to be done individually which means NO SHARING ANSWERS (cheating) if you are caught sharing an answer or having an answer shared to you, there will be NO FREE TIME for both students typing practice instead.    I gave you hints as to which page each answer is on, and if you still need help, raise your hand and Mr. Hall or whoever is with you will come help you.

 For best practice use Google Chrome (start > programs > google chrome) - zoom into the full page view in the bottom right

Thursday -
20 things I learned about browsers and the web. Part 2
Open these both in new tabs. Right click on the link (open in new tab)

If you want to do it the hard way first read through the first half of the book pages 20 through 50 and then fill out the online form.   But if you want to do it the easy way, read and fill it out as you go switching between tabs.

This assignment is to be done individually which means NO SHARING ANSWERS (cheating) if you are caught sharing an answer or having an answer shared to you, there will be NO FREE TIME for both students, typing practice instead.    I gave you hints as to which page each answer is on, and if you still need help, raise your hand and Mr. Hall will come help you.

For best practice USE GOOGLE CHROME (start > programs > google chrome)
 - zoom into the full page view in the bottom right
Google Online Form - 20 things I learned about browsers and the web - Part 2

Thursday - If you want to do the third part, I usually use it as extra work for the students that just guessed answers or goofed off in other ways, but if you want to do it as like extra credit and had fun with this assignment you are welcome to, but it is not assigned, you do not HAVE to do it.
20 things I learned about browsers and the web - part 3 - EXTRA CREDIT
OR if Mr. Hall wants to assign extra to students if he sees them goofing off, guessing answers, cheating etc.

Friday - 

Type for 1/2 hour, or one complete lesson.

Login using your own login that Mr. Hurst created for you:

login: firstname_lane
password: firstname

Example: jayden_lane
password: jayden

Except Jose (there was another Jose last year, so your login is "jose2_lane"

Monday -

Learn about 3D and Layers.

Make something recognizable. A bird, chair, horse, cat, car, logo, etc. anything that is more than just random chunks of blah.

Turn it in by posting the finished URL as a comment. The URL should look like this. See below comments.
see last year assignments by 6th graders

Mr. Hurst will be back on Tuesday - Listen and respect Mr. Hall or whomever you are with.